
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Review: Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2) by Samantha Young

Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)Down London Road by Samantha Young
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Review on Goodreads
It was supposed to be a story of Cam and Jo...and so it was, but why in the hell did the best moments of it include Joss and Braden in the action?
I just dont't get it...

Overall Jo's attitude made me want to strangle her, she was so infuriating in some situations, e.g. if she was so inclined toward helping her brother and keeping him safe, why couldn't she just swallow her pride and get the job Braden so openly offered?
-She's a walking contradiction- she feels unworthy and self-conscious, then the next second she refers to herself as a hottest thing ever, the way she uses men like she doesn't even care and then she whines about losing them...and so on...
In ODS Joss was kinda hard chick and while reading Down London Road, I couldn't fathom how could she change so drastically with all the drama she surrounded herself with, not to mention that the story dragged on way too long and I didn't feel the rush that always accompany me when I'm reading a really good book. Thus, my conclusion is that it wasn't a great book, but I liked some parts of it, so overall it's 3 stars...

I guess my expectations were too high

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